Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Spotify's Usage of Big Data

Spotify is another big name company that has hugely benefitted from the use of data. According to the attached article, Spotify users create over half a terabyte a day, which require them to have four data centers globally to house all of the information. Their use of Luigi, their python framework guides them through the majority of the data and creates a valuable user experience. Spotify has features for their users such as recommending songs based on their history and organizing the user’s preferences into playlists for them to enjoy (many of the same features that companies like Netflix use, just translated into the world of music rather than video).

Although Spotify is not the only company used to stream music, it has been part of the revolutionizing of its industry that relied on cd’s and tape players just about a decade ago. Now, by categorizing musicians, they are able to predict the types of music and specific artists one will want to hear. This has translated to over six million paid Spotify users and massive amounts of ad money (users that do not pay for the service will periodically listen to ads between songs). This just another example of how data helped shape an industry that turned digital.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how I feel about this. Looks like the future of pop music will be formulaic, redundant popcorn churned out by hit algorithms. On the other hand, that will give more original artists an opportunity to really stand out.
